The truth about Applejuice = by pink floyd? no! by Applejuice!


I'm sorry for those who WANT to believe so...
but "Applejuice" is the name of a Chilian band ... playing in the manner of the 70s Floyd.

And that album is a 100% official "Applejuice" album, written by Marco Urreola (alt. spelling: Mark Anthony Urriola).
It is NOT by the pink floyd, NOT by the beatles, NOT by Georges Harrison, Alan Parsons, Robert Wyatt, John Lennon or Frank Zappa ... not AT ALL.
it is ONLY a misnamed official LP by the band Applejuice!

The lyrics are partially translated from the poems of Alejandro Galaz (Chilian poet, dead in 1938).

Mark Urriola is a big beatles & pinkfloyd fan, but this wasn't meant to be any fake or hoax.
Its just a great Chilian Rock band, playing in the style of Pink Floyd, and recorded in 1977.

If you can't believe it, check the lyrics!

I was very disappointed too, but it is not the floyd with the beatles. That's all only fantasy and lies!

Please, change the names of those files if you have it... or delete it if you prefer so.

But please, do not spread that fake. It's offending the Chilian authors, and it's just NOT THE TRUTH!

Maybe there was some meetings between all those artists... i don't know... but not for Applejuice. It's a normal album by a normal band!

thanks for reading. this took me 2 days to know it. and a friend owns that LP and laughed at the rumor.
so now i spread the word: DON'T BE FOOLED BY THAT HOAX.

APPLEJUICE IS NOT BY PINK FLOYD & THE BEATLES ... but simply by Applejuice.

forward this to those who need it. thanks.



resume en francais: l'album Applejuice n'est pas signe des Pink Floyd, des Beatles, de Wyatt, Lennon ou Zappa ... malgre toutes les versions mensongeres que vous trouverez.
C'est un album normal, officiel, sorti en 1977, et compose par un groupe de rock chilien: le groupe Applejuice, mene par Marco Urreola (aussi ecrit Mark Urriola).
Les paroles sont des poemes d'Alejandro Galaz (poete chilien mort en 1938), traduites en anglais.

Verifiez les paroles, vous verrez les vrais noms des vrais auteurs! Tout le reste c'est une invention qui nous prend tous pour des naifs. Repetez ceci a vos amis, car la rumeur continue... et elle insiste sur Pink Floyd et les Beatles, alors que c'est une rumeur inventee et basee sur un vrai album. C'est le groupe Applejuice qui faisait un hommage au studio d'enregistrement Apple.

Changez le nom des morceaux, si vous en avez, ou effacez les, mais S'IL VOUS PLAIT interrompez avec nous la course de ce mensonge qui insulte l'auteur chilien, et les groupes cites.

Merci d'avoir lu ceci. Faites passer.