THE RIGHT TO PARTY Belgian Night Syndicate  is finally
a place where you can complain against those
who want us to cut the music, and shout loud
the names of those who help the music to go on and on !


Le Syndicat Nocturne est enfin un espace où vous pouvez vous plaindre de ceux qui cherchent à faire taire nos fiestas, et célébrer ceux qui les aident à continuer!
Qui est cool? Qui est stress? Dites le nous ici. Aidez la nuit belge à devenir plus transparente.

Le bourgmestre de votre ville a fermé la dernière salle disponible pour les jeunes? Dites le ici.
Un club a été fermé par une association de quartier? Dites le ici.
On cherche clairement à fermer tous les lieux de fête dans votre quartier? Dites le ici.
Des restrictions bizarres ont été décidées dans votre région? Dites le ici.
Vous connaissez une firme ou un personnage politique qui combat l'existence du monde de la nuit? Dites le ici.
Vous connaissez une firme ou un politique qui AIDE le monde de la fête? On adore ce qui est positif. Dites le ici.
Vous êtes vous-même échevin ou bourgmestre et avez aidé la nuit? Dites le ici.

Merci de n'envoyer que des témoignages concernant la Belgique.
Les mails ne seront ni listés ni utilisés. Seul leur contenu nous intéresse.
Les récits les plus représentatifs seront repris sur cette page après sélection et modération.
L'objectif étant de savoir qui refuse les cultures festives, et qui les soutient.

Who is UP?
Who is DOWN?
Tell us here!

Help Belgian Nightlife !

In your village, the Mayor closed the only party hall available for the youth? Say it here!
In your city, a club has been closed by an association of neighbours? Say it here!
In your neighborhood it is obvious that the authorities are trying to close down all entertainment?
Say it here!
You’ve heard about a company or a political person who tried to fight the existence of nightlife?
Say it here!
Some weird restrictions relating to music or parties have been set in your area? Here again!
[Just try to keep calm in the message. Empty angry attacks won't be considered]

You’ve heard about a company or a political person who is HELPING nightlife? Say it here too!  We love positive news.

Of course we will moderate the general tone and make selections as necessary. This is not meant to be a list of offending posts, or a page full of lies. But it is clear that some local actions have to be told to the larger night audience.

Send us your messages by mail to
(your email address will never be listed or used later)
We'll publish the most relevant stories on this page.

The names of those who are fighting against the right to have Fun in Belgium need to be published somewhere one day.

All your BELGIAN stories and news about closing clubs, anti-dance policy, company pressures, ... or on the other hand all open support from corporations or politics ...
Send to

HET RECHT OM TE FEESTEN Belgisch Nacht Syndicaat is eindelijk een plek waar je kan klagen tegen hen die willen dat we de muziek afzetten, en waar je de namen hard kan schreeuwen van hen die de muziek helpen door te gaan !

Wie is UP?
Wie is DOWN?
Vertel het ons hier!

Help het Belgische Nachtleven !
Heeft de Brugemeester in jouw dorp de enige feesthal beschikbaar voor de jeudg gesloten ?
Zeg 't hier.
Is er in jouw stad een club gesloten door een vereniging van buren ? Zeg 't hier.
Is het duidelijk dat in jouw buurt de autoriteiten alle ontspannings activiteiten sluiten ? Zeg 't hier.
Weet je een bedrijf of politiek persoon die het nachtleven geprobeert heeft te bevechten ?
Zeg 't hier!
Zijn er vreemde limieten gestelt, verbonden aan muziek of feesten in jouw gebied ?
Hier nog eens!
[Probeer wel kalm te blijven in het bericht. Lege boze aanvallen zullen niet worden overwogen]

Weet je een bedrijf of een politiek persoon die het nachtleven HELPT ? Zeg 't hier ook!
We houden van positief nieuws.

Natuurlijk letten we op de algemene toon en maken we een selectie. Het is niet bedoeling dat het een lijst word van aanstootgevende berichten, of een pagina vol leugens. Maar het is duidelijk dat enkele plaatselijke acties aan het grotere nacht publiek moeten worden vertelt.

Stuur je berichten per mail naar
(de mail adress zal niet gebruikt of gepubliceerd worden)
zo gauw er genoeg serieuze inhoud is, zullen we de meest relevante verhalen op deze pagina publiceren.

Zij die tegen de lol in Belgie vechten moeten eens ergens in een lijst komen te staan.

Al je BELGISCHE verhalen en nieuws over het sluiten van clubs, anti-dans beleid, druk van bedrijven, ... of aan de andere kant alle open steun van bedrijven of politiek ... Stuur 't naar



April 2005 - No smoke at night?

Smoking, illegal in our clubs?
That'd be the end of the party for Reggae, House, Techno, Electro... for sure.

A threat is running around our nights. It seems to be isolated at the moment ... but for how long? Rudy Demotte (PS), the federal Minister for the social Affairs and the Public health, is since a long time in war against tobacco. But he recently decided that the laws would take a harder direction for all the horeca department in Belgium. He thus invited several delegates of the Belgian horeca (primarily restaurants and bars) to an information-tour in Italy and Ireland ... and now this leads to a private bill prohibiting the tobacco in all the public places. But is a club simply a normal public place? This law applied to the clubs is inevitably the death sentence for half of them. That's why we wonder: who could stop it?

Italy, Ireland and Norway already choose the hardest prohibition. Some studies already show a loss of 20% of the sales in Ireland! When in Belgium, horeca is gathering 500.000 jobs for 55.000 bars, restaurants, hotels and clubs... that sounds really scary.

Sure, tobacco is a bad thing for health. But do we really think that we'd have had a Gainsbourg, a Bogart, a Billie Holiday, a Chet Baker or a Georges Simenon without their smokes around?? How came Jazz and Rock if it was not in the small misty clubs of USA?

And, however they'd stop smoking in the clubs... what about the smoking-machines, the incenses, the perfumes?

There are three aspects of the situation:
1) the most seen in the press: tobacco kills, and that costs too much to the community.
2) the tangent: horeca is essential, it is the main supplier of new jobs (62% in 2002).
3) the hidden one: one of the forces of our Latin-European states resides in their cultural creativity, in their support for the artists and their cultural independence.
----- How to stop this independence?
      ** by closing the places which ensure the specificity of the European public, or at least by reducing the amount of those places.
     ** To prohibit everything that brings them a public.
------can one prohibit the music?
     ** They tried in United Kingdom around 1992, and that didn't work.
----- can one prohibit tobacco?
     ** Yes.
The same method was applied over California since about ten years... and in San Francisco the nights are from now on a disaster. Some foreign artists refuse to perform there, night traffic has been reduced, everyone at home... the victory of television and clandestine bars.

And what's the result? Well, total prohibition to smoke in the bars and clubs in Norway did not have the expected effects: the Norwegians smokers from 16 to 74 years old reduced only of 0,3% in 2004, when it reduced of 3,1% in 2003.

Actually, according to some recent information we had, it seems that the nightclubs will fortunately not be concerned by this new law. The question is: for how much longer? And what about the dj-bars and the independent parties? We'll wait for the law to get an answer.



April 2004:      Once Again they try to stop clubs at 6:00
[version française plus bas sur cette page]

There we were thinking we had finished with these threats of forced closings at 6.00 am in the morning, mow... they are back. This time it is on the initiative of Denis D'Hondt (MR) that a private bill has emerged, aiming at the clubs of Hainaut primarily... but posing an unpleasant example for the rest of the country. He specifies that the objective is to find "a beginning of solution with the problem of the mega-dancing, which is the centre of attraction for many young people. [...] In the western part of Hainaut, it is common that more than ten thousand young people go out during all the weekend, some even from Friday evening to Monday morning. This closing hour should have the result that theses young people leave those dancehalls".

de_Kamer_la_Chambre Located close to the French border, some megaclubs are indeed known to welcome enormous crowds, and are consequently associated with road accidents and problems of drugs... but why limit the parties and indirectly the energy that they create? It is normal to close a club caught up in drug traffiking, but since when do they need to demand closings clubs which mostly offer social activities and interaction, and a good time for most people? We always hear about the music, deejays, decoration, but all that is inevitably a pretext to the meeting and the human gathering.

Before trying to lock up the night in a strict rectangle, perhaps they should wonder what will replace these clubs in the morning of the people who leave them... and of what pushes some party-kids to trust more white pills than their own parents. Future debate indeed.

Moreover, the choice of our French neighbours of a limitation at 5 a.m. became a typical example of displacement of the problem... they go in the close countries or set up clandestine raves without schedule. Not even speaking about the disaster of the English choice which since Criminal Justice Bill in the Nineties threw the young British on the roads at 3am in the morning in the search of one of the many after-parties avoiding any control and the inevitable danger of road traffic accidents.

At the precise moment where in France, the most repressive country regarding soft drugs, one noted a spectacular increase in the use of cannabis, even speaking about vulgarizing (source Inserm April 2004)... one wonders who will first dare rising the finger to suggest to finally talk about prevention rather than schedules.

Also we can preview a very bad effect on creation in the dance music scene, since each club will probably have to separate from a deejay... generally the last arrived, the youngest. (2 hours = one deejay). This won't satisfy the specialized record stores (these deejays are customers, of course) which already face a difficult time.

Let us nevertheless say that Mr D' Hondt did not meet real opposition at the Chambre. At most, both the representatives of ecologist and SPA insisted on the importance not to move the problem to the bars, and on the importance of a dialogue with the mayors and the local authorities, but they didn't contest the deep core of the new text.

Amusing: the dance halls for old people will not be aimed. That's right, the Viagra and DHEA dealers are mostly on Internet, not at the exit of the Polka clubs. And 4 grannies in a mustard-colour Daf car draws less attention, yes right.

But if the problem is the young people, there's always a solution: turn them in to old people.


Avril 2004:     Fermeture forcée à 6 heure, c'est reparti!

On pensait en avoir fini avec ces menaces de fermetures forcées à 6 heures du matin, las... elles sont de retour. Cette fois c'est sous l'impulsion de Denis D'Hondt (MR) qu'une proposition de loi a surgi, visant essentiellement les clubs du Hainaut... mais posant un désagréable exemple pour le reste du pays. de_Kamer_la_ChambreL'intéressé souligne que l'objectif est de trouver "un début de solution au problème des mégadancings, qui sont un pôle d’attraction pour les jeunes. [...] Dans la partie ouest du Hainaut, il n’est pas rare que plus de dix mille jeunes soient de sortie durant tout le week-end, certains même du vendredi soir au lundi matin. Cette interruption devrait avoir pour conséquence que les jeunes quittent le dancing".

Situés près de la frontière française, quelques mégaclubs sont en effet connus pour accueillir d'énormes foules, et sont associés à des accidents de la route et à des problèmes de consommation de drogues... mais pourquoi limiter la fête et indirectement la création qu'elle génère? Il est logique de fermer un établissement impliqué dans un traffic, mais depuis quand impose-t-on des fermetures à des clubs qui offrent surtout de la rencontre? On parle toujours de la musique, des deejays, du décor, mais tout cela est forcément prétexte à la rencontre et au rassemblement humain.

Avant de vouloir enfermer la nuit dans un rectangle bien droit, il faudrait peut-être se poser le problème de ce qui remplacera ces clubs dans les mâtinées des jeunes qui en sortent... et de ce qui pousse certains à faire plus confiance à des cachets blancs qu'en leurs parents. Grands débats en vue.

En outre le choix chez nos voisins français d'une limitation à 5 heure est devenu un exemple type de déplacement du problème... ils vont dans les pays voisins ou mettent en place des raves clandestines sans horaire. Sans parler du désastre des choix anglais qui depuis la Criminal Justice Bill des années 90 ont jeté les jeunes britanniques sur les routes à 3 heures du matin à la recherche d'une des nombreuses after-party échappant à tout contrôle.

Au moment précis où en France, le pays le plus répressif en matière de drogues douces, on a constaté une augmentation spectaculaire des fumeurs de cannabis, jusqu'à parler de banalisation (source Inserm avril 2004) ... on se demande qui osera lever le doigt le premier pour suggérer qu'on parle enfin de prévention plutôt que d'horaires.

Et comptons aussi sur un coup porté à la création dans ce domaine, puisque chaque club devra probablement se séparer d'un deejay... le plus souvent le dernier arrivé, le plus jeune. Voilà qui n'arrangera pas les magasins de disques spécialisés (dont ces deejays sont clients) qui déjà font face à une période un peu rude.

Signalons quand même que monsieur D'Hondt n'a pas rencontré d'opposition réelle à la Chambre. Tout au plus les représentantes d'écolo et du SPa ont elles insisté sur l'importance de ne pas déplacer le problème dans les bars, et sur l'importance du dialogue avec les bourgmestres et les autorités locales, mais sans remettre en cause le fond de la proposition.

Amusant: les dancings pour les personnes âgées ne seront pas visés. C'est vrai, les dealers de Viagra et de DHEA se trouvent surtout sur internet, pas à la sortie du club polka. Et puis quatre mamys dans une Daf moutarde ça attire moins l'attention, oui bon.

Mais si le problème c'est les jeunes, y a toujours une solution: en faire des vieux.


May 2004: Brussels City supports Fuse ! Free entrance Sat 22 May!

This is not a joke! jack_de_marseilleYes the Fuse will have a free entrance on 22 May ... and with an international deejay. Saturday 22, Fuse will be open all the ways and free... and not free by exhaustion (Fuses is full every week) but because the City of Brussels joined the club to make you this gift to celebrate the Fuse 10 years anniversary. An amusing idea with a real program: the fortiche Jack of Marseille (nice person, big knowledge, and with an insane talent), the very House and very Dutch Frederik (musician and deejay since 1989), and the residents Deg, T-Quest, Pierre and St Dic. For the tenth birthday of Fuse, the City thus wanted to claim high and strong that "electronic music is culture, and that good clubs in an urban setting are also the fibre of the modern society we live in". Isn't it beautiful? Sure it is, and it sounds very good for the future of the Brussels nightlife, Brussels_Brussel_Bruxelles_noctis.comthanks to the Mayor Freddy Thielemans (PS). Thus now you can enter... you first, please. And be sure that it is not the end, because gossips talk about large electronic events, free and open air, in the old centre of Brussels and coming on short-term. [Gazon will come back next summer, but it's not what we're talking about right now].
Fuse permanently refunded by the social healthcare, one cannot test?


December 2002 Bouncers Controls results for last week-end

12 December It was a large operation concerning the security crews of the nightclubs (the bouncers) and leaded by Minister Antoine Duquesne (MR) to verify the compliance of those crews with the recent excellent laws about guardians groups. After Tournai and the Luxembourg area, it was the time to check in Brussels (except Etterbeek and Woluwe). 47 nightclubs of a list of 80 have been controlled. 17 fines have been reported and only 3 cases of illegal weapon carrying. Seems things are slowly getting better... but what a week-end it was!


June 2002: clubs and minister together for free water!

Wednesday (26 june 2002), the Brussels Regional Minister Didier Gosuin (MR) took an agreement with the majority of the clubs in the city. from now on, all the clubs will propose a chilling room to their public, calm and separate from the dancefloor, equipped with free water for thirsty people, and a member of the personnel qualified for assistance in the event of collapse or physical troubles. this decision aims as much the comfort of people of the night as for more safety and information against chemical drugs, and is done in collaboration with association Modus Vivendi (vzw/asbl). In england, actions of this type take place since a long time and have encouraging results. and those who say that it will standardize the use of the illicit products, the Minister answers "those who say that are blind. It is not a question to encourage but to prevent". so, now... free water and a chillout room in all clubs of Brussels, including the Fuse, Claridge (Johnny), Mirano (Dirty Dancing), Bal-Mezzanine, Jeux d'Hiver, Sud, Cactus (Auderghem), Louise Gallery, ... no doubt that all the other clubs will soon follow.